What a lovely few days it has been! There has been lots of creative energy flowing to us as we tend towards hibernation these bitterly cold winter days. The Birch Full Moon has just passed and I attribute the positive creative energy to the energies of the moon as she grew from maiden to mother. I have been drawing again, which is something I have struggled with since leaving art school. My drawings lately have been more intuitive and reflect my dreams and hidden depths within my unconscious mind. I rarely draw realistic drawings anymore, but prefer to capture the spirit. My drawings are influenced by mythology, fairy tales, spiritual matters, magic, etc. I feel like I have gotten in touch with my inner child again, perhaps from watching my own son explore the world. It is the most magically wonderful feeling to watch a baby make sense of this foreign place. Even the tiniest, most insignificant object can be viewed with wonderment and awe. I am hoping this feeling will stay with me. Alan and I have both been baking. Alan made the most scrumptious bread and I just made a lemon cake, which I plan to make for my lovely mum's birthday and Imbolg on the 1st of February. I've been making birds nests still. The one pictured below is one of the tiniest ones and one of my favourites. It is made almost entirely of yarn, thread and reclaimed fabric and feathers from the pet chickens which wander freely in our woodland. I love the feel of this one in my hand. It fits perfectly in my palm and has such lovely energy. I am sure some faery must have blessed it. It is the perfect nest for leaving wishes. I see it as a sort of portal. I've been making 'real' nests as well using materials from nature with perhaps just a bit of yarn or thread. These nests have been inspired by this wonderful book of photographs of nests from around the world. I was amazed at how different each nest was. Some are made from moss, some are more of a beehive shape, some are made from twigs, some are soft and feathery like the fabric ones I have been creating. The last photo in my post shows one of these more realistic nests. I have created it on a pine branch. I am not finished with it yet, and the photo really isn't the best, but I am pleased with the whole process. I am attempting to make them without any tools, only my fingers and scissors to cut long pieces of yarn. You really can't tell from the photograph, but it is quite a lot larger than the tiny white nest shown here. it is the largest nest I have made thus far. I will try to post photo's of the nest when I feel it is finished.
thank you!