These ceremonies will be created according to your personal beliefs and any deities you wish to invoke. As part of the ceremony I will create a sacred object for you to use in your ritual.
I can custom make a sacred object for use in your ritual, such as one of my shaman nests, a talisman, a bag of rune stones, a special crystal or stone necklace, a dream catcher.
The possibilities are endless. The important thing to remember is "You are special and your inner struggles are important and should be honored." It matters that you are about to become a mother for the first time and your whole life is about to change and will never be the same again. It matters that you just lost a loved one and are struggling with grief, but must keep on going to work and carrying on like nothing changed. It matters that you started bleeding and are developing breasts and are at that very sweet in-between child and woman hood. It matters that you are doing some soul-searching and are realizing that you have been going through the motions of having a life without REALLY LIVING and you want to change that and want to find your potential. I can help you mark these rites-of-passage with a beautiful ceremony that we create together.
Contact me at with rite of passage as the subject or connect through my facebook page
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